Often we are faced with steps in a sequence where we need to wait for something to happen that cannot be directly attributed to the current sequence context. For example, if we are waiting for a call disposition. Thus we have introduced a 'wait for next' workflow decision.
This decision is designed to look for prospect activities that happen after the contact enters the wait state. Thus you can look query for a specific history type, wait for this to happen, and the prospect will move through the 'true' path. In the case of call disposition, we are looking for the outcome of a completed call task:
If the contact activity is detected within the defined wait time period, we are often interested in some attribute of the detected activity. Thus you can use the contact history query: Most Recent = true
The above example would check to see if the most recent task outcome for this contact was 'Left Voicemail'. Make sure you are using global context if the history item cannot be associated with the campaign directly.
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