How To Add/Remove Users To Your FunnelFLARE Account

Before you are going to add or remove a user, you need to know if your account is on a trial or if it's a paid account.

This article will outline how to add and remove users based on your account status (trial or paid).


Adding a New User for a Trial Account

  1. From the left menu, go to Administration -> Account Settings -> Employees tabEmployees_tab.png
  2. Select 'ADD EMPLOYEE' button
    1. Add in the details for the new user
    2. Check 'Add a User Login for this Employee' box
      1. You will receive an expanded view with different permissions
      2. Uncheck the permissions that you do NOT want the user to have
      3. Click 'SAVE'
    3. The new user will receive a confirmation email to set up their password information Add_Employee_Permissions.png


Removing a User from a Trial Account

  1. From the left menu, go to Administration -> Account Settings -> Employees tab
    1. Select the user to be removed and click on the 'Gear' icon to launch the permissions panel
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the permissions and select 'DELETE'Delete_Permisions.png
    3. From the 'Employees' section, you will now select the 'Convert employee to prospect' icon
      1. This will convert the employee to a regular contact
      2. NOTE: If you convert an employee to a regular contact, you will also need to change their email address to an email address that does not use an associated email domainConvert_Employee_to_Prospect.png


Adding a New User to a Paid/Active Account

In order to add a new user to a paid/active account, you will need to be sure you have purchased a seat (increase your 'Total User Capacity'). 

  1. From the left menu, go to Administration -> Account Billing-> Product Subscription tab
    1. If the 'Current Assigned Users' equals the 'Total User Capacity' there are no extra seats available and you will not be able to add a new user until an additional seat has been purchasedHow_many_seats.png
  2. To purchase an additional seat(s), select the 'EDIT PLAN' button
    1. Update the 'Users' to what is required
    2. Select 'UPDATE PLAN'
    3. You will now see the 'Total User Capacity' updated as well as the 'Billing' informationPurchase_a_seat.png
  3. Add your new user by going to Administration -> Account Settings -> Employees tabEmployees_tab.png
  4. Select 'ADD EMPLOYEE' button
    1. Add in the details for the new user
    2. Check 'Add a User Login for this Employee' box
      1. You will receive an expanded view with different permissions
      2. Uncheck the permissions that you do NOT want the user to have
      3. Click 'SAVE'
    3. The new user will receive a confirmation email to set up their password information Add_Employee_Permissions.png


Removing a User from a Paid/Active Account

  1. From the left menu, go to Administration -> Account Settings -> Employees tab
    1. Select the user to be removed and click on the 'Gear' icon to launch the permissions panel
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the permissions and select 'DELETE'Delete_Permisions.png
    3. From the 'Employees' section, you will now select the 'Convert employee to prospect' icon
      1. This will convert the employee to a regular contact
      2. NOTE: If you convert an employee to a regular contact, you will also need to change their email address to an email address that does not use an associated email domainConvert_Employee_to_Prospect.png
    4. If you are not going to add a new user to the empty seat, you can change your 'Total User Capacity' and 'Billing' amount
      1. To reduce the number of seats, select the 'EDIT PLAN' button
        1. Update the 'Users' to what is required
        2. Select 'UPDATE PLAN'
        3. You will now see the 'Total User Capacity' updated as well as the 'Billing' informationPurchase_a_seat.png






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