What happens when I deactivate/pause my campaign?


 Campaign Status mceclip2.png mceclip1.png
Workflow Actions executed Yes No
Contact can complete a defined goal? Yes Yes
Emails will be sent? Yes No
Contact will move out of its current wait state? Yes No
The campaign name shows up in reports Yes No
Campaign name shows up in 'add to campaign' dropdowns? Yes No
Time progresses (i.e. how long a contact sits in a wait state) Yes Yes


When a campaign is inactive, everything pauses. The contacts sitting in a 'wait state' will remain in the current wait state until the campaign is active. Time continues to move forward during the 'inactive' state, but the contact will not move out of a wait state until the campaign becomes 'active'. Thus if you have a contact in a 'wait for 3 days' state, and you deactivate the campaign for 4 days, the contact will remain in the 'wait for 3 days' state. But as soon as you activate the campaign, the contact will move out of the 'wait for 3 days' state as the contact has been sitting in that state for more than the specified 3 days. 


If you delete a wait state, all contacts in the campaign that are currently in that wait state drop out of the campaign.

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