Using the Query Builder

The query builder is an extremely powerful tool and you will use it for campaign triggers and decisions as well as building contact segments and lists.


AND & OR Operations


The first thing you should become familiar with is the basic logic operations available to you and how they work. There are two logical evaluations used and their respective counterparts. AND, AND NOT, OR, OR NOT:



On the surface, it may seem straightforward, and usually, it is - for basic queries. However, if you are building more complex queries then it might help to know how these logical operations will evaluate. You can skip the "Truth Tables" section below if you feel it is too detailed for your needs at the moment.


Truth Tables (Advanced)


For those of you who want to dive a little deeper into the digital logic evaluations, below are some basic Truth Tables on how a query shown above would be evaluated depending on whether the operation is an AND, AND NOT, OR, OR NOT. Some of you may not need, or want to go into this kind of depth so you can skip to the next part if you like.


Note: Notice that "NOT Group 2" is simply the opposite value of "Group 2".


"True" = Include the contact for this query

"False" = Don't include the contact for this query




Other Operations


There are a number of smaller operations that you can use to build your query. The first field (not in red square below) is the data you want to look at. The second field (in the red square) has quite a few options you can choose on how you want to evaluate that piece of data.


Below are all the possible options and what they mean:


Equals - Include data that equals a specific value or phrase (must be exact)


Does Not Equal - Exclude data that does NOT equal a specific value or phrase (must be exact)


Contains - Include data that contains at least a specific phrase. 

Ex: Contains "FLARE" would include "FunnelFLARE"


Does Not Contain - Include data that does NOT contain a specific phrase. 

Ex: Does Not Contain "FLARE" will NOT include "FunnelFLARE"


Starts With - Include data that starts with a specific phrase. 

Ex: Starts With "Funnel" would include "FunnelFLARE"


Exists - It actually exists in that data field. 

Ex: Email Address Exists would only look at contacts who have an email address.


Does Not Exist - It does not exist in the data field. 

Ex: Email Address Does Not Exist would only look at contacts who do NOT have an email address.


Greater Than - Anything that is greater than a value you specify.


Less Than - Anything that is less than a value you specify.


Greater Than Or Equal - Anything that is greater than or equal to a value you specify. If you are looking to compare date ranges, use this.


Less Than Or Equal - Anything that is less than or equal to a value you specify. If you are looking to compare date ranges, use this.


Greater Than Numeric - Any numeric value that is greater than a number you specify.


Less Than Numeric - Any numeric value that is less than a number you specify.


Greater Than Or Equal Numeric - Any numerical value that is greater than or equal to a number you specify.


Less Than Or Equal Numeric - Any numerical value that is less than or equal to a number you specify.


Is One Of - Looks for a match that is any one of the options your create. Behaves similar to Equals except that you can have multiple options and look for one that equals any of these options.

Ex: Contact history Is One Of form submission, text message


Is Not One Of - Looks for data that does NOT match any of the values you set forth. Behaves similar to Does Not Equal except that you can have multiple options and look for anything that does NOT equal any of those values.

Ex: Contact history Is Not One Of text message


Regex - Regex is short for Regular Expressions. This is an advanced tool used to look for patterns in word strings. Example, email addresses. You can use regex to look for values that match a format.


Not Regex - Use this tool to look for values that do NOT match a specific format in Regex.


What are regular expressions?


Regex Tutorial







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