FunnelFLARE Account Setup Wizard

When you first login to your new FunnelFLARE account, the Account Setup Wizard should appear. If you don't see this wizard, or choose to complete it at a different time, you can always access it by clicking the wrench icon:



  1. Add your website domain. If you don't have one, you can select the 'NEXT' button:website.png
  2. Upload your company logo.

    If you entered your website URL in the last step, FunnelFLARE will try to parse your website for images. Alternatively, you can simply upload your company logo and other images here. Select the 'NEXT' button.

  3. Connect your calendar.

    If you use Office 365 Calendar or Google Calendar, then you can connect FunnelFLARE to either of these tools. Choose your Calendar tool, enter your email and click the "Authenticate" button. Once you authenticate, you can then select from the available calendars connected to your account. Select the 'NEXT' button.

  4. Connect your email.

    If you use a web-based email service like Gmail (or GSuite), Outlook, or Office 365 then select the appropriate one to connect. 

    For Google & GSuite users: OAuth is used to authenticate your email. Fill out your email address and click "Sign in with Google." You will be redirected to Google to login to your account and authorize FunnelFLARE. 

    For Office 365 users: If you use two factor authentication you will get an error and will need to create an app password. Please see Authenticating Office 365 With Two Factor Authentication

    If you use another webmail service, then you will need access to your email server credentials. Fill out the test fields and select the 'TEST' button. Once the test has gone through successfully, select the 'NEXT' button.email_test.png
  5. Connect your CRM.

    Select the CRM in the dropdown. Authentication methods can vary depending on the CRM you use. Select the 'NEXT' button.

    crm.pngConfirm that your CRM has been authenticated by going to the far left menu to Administration -> Account Settings - Integrations. A black check mark indicates the CRM has been authenticated. If you see a blue arrow, it means the authentication is not complete. Click the blue arrow to complete.integration.png

Here are some additional articles on CRM Integrations:

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